Simple “Caprese” Pasta

I’m currently preparing my garden for another round of planting. This picture from last year gets me so excited to get to work! I just think there is nothing better than fresh produce from the backyard. Cherry tomatoes are a great option in Arizona as they grow abundantly and don’t take as long to ripen as the large heirlooms. Last year I grew several varieties including the darker ones you see that are labeled as black prince heirlooms. After sitting in my garden and eating quite a few right off the plant these are what I brought inside for the day.


My husband was gone for a work trip and I was craving a light dish for dinner for myself including these beauties. I also have an abundance of fresh basil – you cannot kill basil here in AZ. This one was also before I started trying to eliminate gluten and my biggest weakness is still – PASTA! If I’m not doing gluten free or making my own, I prefer a hearty, whole wheat pasta that’s a little easier to cook to the perfect al dente texture.


This is a super easy and quick, yet satisfying lunch or dinner that anyone can make! First, I would cook the pasta – follow the directions on the box. Again, I would choose a whole wheat option and whatever “shape” you like. While the pasta is cooking, slice your tomatoes in half – this helps incorporate the flavor and juice of the tomatoes into the dish. If you aren’t growing your own tomatoes I would choose the heirloom or organic cherry and I love the multi colored mostly because they are so pretty.
You have several options with the Basil – you can use herb scissors and cut right into the dish, you can chop it up with a knife, tear by hand or if you don’t have fresh basil you can use dried.
Once the pasta is cooked, drain and rinse with cool water. Add some EVOO, a little balsalmic (if you like), your basil and chopped tomatoes. Voila – that’s it. Grab a fork and enjoy!
*A couple of possible modifications are: a gluten free pasta (one that I actually enjoy is the Taste Republic that I find at Sprouts) and sometimes if you are ok with dairy I like to include some fresh mozzarella cheese.


Simple “Caprese” Pasta


  • whole wheat pasta
  • organic, heirloom, cherry tomatoes cut in 1/2
  • fresh basil chopped
  • olive oil extra virgin
  • balsamic vinegar


  • 1. Cook your pasta following the package instructions. Drain and Rinse in cold water.
    2. Cut your cherry tomatoes in 1/2.
    3. Drizzle EVOO and a splash of balsamic vinegar over pasta and stir together.
    4. Add cherry tomatoes to the pasta and using herb scissors (or tearing) add the basil into the pasta mixture.

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