Lemon Ginger Veggie Chicken Bowl

We’ve been super busy this summer.. job changes including lots of studying for David, company, travel, more company, etc. Finally we have a week at home with just us and decided we are staying in and keeping it simple for dinner all week. Time to RESET! I had some chicken already marinated and in the freezer and for whatever reason we kept skipping over the lemon ginger marinade. So I pulled it out to thaw and while at the salad bar at the grocery store over lunch grabbed a few ingredients to add!

The Lemon, Ginger chicken is a simple marinade: Olive oil, ground ginger, crushed red pepper flakes and lemon juice. Throw your chicken breasts with these ingredients into a zip lock bag and in the freezer. When you are ready to use, just pull out the morning of to thaw!

Next, I added about 1.5 tablespoons of ghee butter to my pan and heated over medium. I added in one bunch of broccolini – roughly chopped/separated into large “bite” size pieces. Stir into the melted ghee and sprinkle with a touch of salt, garlic powder, crush red pepper flakes and ground ginger.

I saw some gorgeous chanterelle mushrooms at the store earlier and grabbed them just in case.. so I threw them into the mixture as well. They were fairly small already – no need to chop. I then squeezed in the juice of one (juicy) lemon, a small bit of honey and some meyer lemon olive oil. If you don’t have meyer lemon, regular is fine as we already added fresh lemon juice. Stir over medium-high heat for about 3-5 minutes.

Then I added riced cauliflower. I used a bag of frozen from Sprouts and threw it in straight out of the freezer. Stir this together well over medium-high heat for another 4-5 minutes, then lower to a simmer and cover.

I didn’t grab any good pictures of the chicken for you, but they were just simple, organic chicken breasts with some non-colorful marinade. We grilled them over medium-high heat on the grill until they reach a temperature of 160 degrees. The optimal temperate for chicken is 165 degrees, but taking it off the grill slightly early and allowing to cool a few minutes before slicing will bring it to temperate and not lose all of the juice.

Lastly, I decided we needed just a touch of a sauce or something to drizzle on top of the bowl. So I made a creamy ginger sauce. I mixed together the following in a small bowl: approx 3 tbsp of Greek yogurt (non-fat), 2 tbsp of coconut aminos, 1.5 tbsp meyer lemon olive oil, 1 tbsp honey, 1/2 squeezed lemon, ground ginger, garlic powder and just a dash of salt. Mix together until creamy.

Slice your chicken and place over top your veggie mix in a bowl. Drizzle with your sauce. And – enjoy! 🙂 We only used maybe 1/2 of the sauce or left – so we’ll see how long it keeps in the fridge.

Lemon Ginger Veggie Chicken Bowl2


  • 2 chicken breasts large, organic
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 lemon, juiced
  • 2 tbsp red pepper flakes approx
  • 4 tbsp ground ginger approx
  • 1.5 tbsp ghee butter
  • 1 bunch broccolini roughly chopped/separated
  • dash salt
  • 4 tsp garlic powder
  • 1.25 cups chanterelle mushrooms approx
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 3 tbsp meyer lemon olive oil
  • 12 oz riced cauliflower frozen (1 package)
  • 3 tbsp greek yogurt non-fat
  • 2 tbsp coconut aminos


Lemon Ginger Grilled Chicken

  • To make your marinade, mix together the following ingredients: 3 tbsp olive oil, juice of one lemon, 1 tbsp crushed red pepper flakes and 2 tbsp of ground ginger.
  • Place chicken and marinade in zip lock bag and marinate over-night or place in freezer for future use.
  • Thaw chicken before grilling. Grill over medium-high heat until chicken is 160 degrees. Let rest for 4 minutes before slicing. (you could also cook in oven or on stove and just look for the same temperature)

Lemon Ginger Cauliflower Veggies

  • Heat about 1.5 tbsp of ghee butter in pan over medium-high heat. Add in your broccolini and stir for 3-5 minutes.
  • Sprinkle with a dash of salt, 2 tsp of garlic powder, 1 tbsp of ground ginger and 1 tbsp of crushed red pepper flakes. (go light on the pepper if you are sensitive to heat/spicy)
  • Add your mushrooms, 1 tbsp of honey, juice of 1/2 lemon and 1.5 tbsp of meyer lemon olive oil. Stir together another 3-5 minutes over medium-high heat.
  • Pour your bag of frozen riced cauliflower into the pan (you can also use fresh!). Stir together well and reduce to a low/simmer heat and cover. Cook until your veggies are to your liking. I was multi-tasking and left them on a little longer than normal for us, but about another 12 minutes overall.

Creamy Ginger Sauce

  • Mix together the following ingredients until smooth and creamy: Greek yogurt, coconut aminos, 1.5 tbsp meyer lemon olive oil, 1 tbsp of honey, ground ginger, 1/2 squeezed lemon juice, garlic powder and just a dash of salt.

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