Carrot Top Pesto & Cold Stuffed Tomatoes

Along with my smoked beer can chicken, I made sauteed carrot ribbons and cold stuffed tomatoes. I stuffed those tomatoes with quinoa and carrot pesto. I’d honestly never eaten carrot tops before and wasn’t sure how this was going to turn out, but I just went for it. I hate letting those gorgeous greens go to waste.

Look at all off of those greens just from a few organic carrots. This made more than enough pesto to last us for a while. I also recently received a new food processor from my husband, for my birthday, and I always get excited to break it out so another reason for the pesto. Remove the greens from the stems (and carrots) just like you would cilantro. Set aside. Gather your remaining ingredients – you can adjust to your personal preference, but here is what I included: pine nuts (about 1/2 cup), Parmesan cheese (shredded or cubed), minced garlic, crushed red pepper, 1/2 a large preserved lemon, a handful of mixed greens (baby spinach and fresh greens mix), a handful of fresh basil and olive oil.

With the large bowl and large chopping blade in your processor, running on high – put in your pine nuts and Parmesan cheese until chopped. Add your garlic, crushed red pepper and pulse a few times on high. Add in your carrot tops, greens, basil and preserved lemon and pulse about 10-15 times on high. Scrape the sides of the processor and turn it back onto high. Pour your olive oil slowly through your small food feeder until mixed well. I added about 2/3 cup. Mine was pretty salty as most of these ingredients are and the tartness of the carrot greens didn’t help balance that. I decided to add some sour cream. I added about 1/2 cup. If you want it sweeter you could always add some honey or brown sugar.

Next, cut the tops off of your tomatoes and scrape out the inside using a grapefruit fork. Turn them upside down for 10-15 minutes to let the juices run out. You can sit on a wire rack or just a plate works fine.

Cook your quinoa per package instructions. Let it cool. If you are in a rush you can put on a plate in the fridge for a bit. Mix together your pesto and quinoa and stuff your tomatoes. There you have it! I forgot a complete picture, but grabbed one with our dinner. (at the top)

Carrot Top Pesto


  • 1 bunch carrot tops
  • 1/2 cup pine nuts
  • 1/2 cup parmesan cheese shredded or cubed
  • 2 tbsp minced garlic
  • 2 tbsp crushed red pepper
  • 1/2 large lemon preserved
  • 1 handful mixed greens
  • 1 handful fresh basil
  • 2/3 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup nonfat greek yogurt, plain (or sour cream)

Cold Stuffed Tomatoes

  • 3 or 4 tomatoes large
  • 1/2 cup quinoa


  • Cut off carrot tops and set aside.
  • Chop your pine nuts and parmesan cheese on high. Add your crushed red pepper, preserved lemon, garlic and pulse on high until mixed well.
  • Add your greens (carrot tops, mixed greens and basil). Pulse on high about 10/15 times until chopped. Scrape the sides.
  • With processor on high, slowly add your olive oil until mixed well.
  • Taste and add any honey or sugar your might want. Pour into a bowl and mix with 1/2 cup of yogurt.

Cold Stuffed Tomatoes

  • Cut the top off of your tomatoes and scrape the insides out using a knife or grapefruit spoon.
  • Turn your tomatoes upside down for 10-15 minutes to let the juices run out.
  • Cook your quinoa per package instructions and let cool.
  • Mix your cooled quinoa with your pesto – to taste. about 1/2 and 1/2, maybe a little more quinoa.
  • Stuff your tomatoes and enjoy!

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